Advisory Board Finalised


After everything that 2021 has thrown at us this year, our organisation has been able to pick ourselves up and focus on what’s next.

Filling our last remaining advisory board positions has been both overwhelming and exciting with the large number of people who applied. But we got there in the end and we couldn’t be any happier with our final two members who will fill the remaining positions.

We would like to introduce and share with everyone a little bit about the new advisory board members.

Please welcome them and feel free to connect and check out their LinkedIn pages.


Alexandra Lazarus-Priestley

Who I am

Alexandra Lazarus-Priestley (she/her)

My profession

Strategic Learning Advisor - Organisational Learning at Melbourne Business School

How I support neurodiversity 

My neurodivergent family have helped open my eyes to how a truly inclusive environment can benefit both individuals and organisations. I advocate for personalised, meaningful accommodations for individuals - from a strengths-based perspective - to help unleash diversity of thought and enable organisations to realise the contribution and benefit of true neurodiverse inclusion.

In 2022, I will supplement my personal experience with a PhD seeking to explore the organisational, team and leadership factors that impact neurodiverse inclusion from both a behavioural and cultural perspective.

What I aim to achieve as an advisory board member 

For nearly two decades I have found solutions to business problems, built relationships and developed strategic partnerships. I am grateful for the opportunity to now use these skills and experience to support the neurodiverse community.

I aim to bring my commercial insight and learning savvy across face-to-face and digital delivery to support the Neurodiversity Academy offering. I am passionate about making work more human, and helping organisations enable all their people to contribute at their highest level.


Hannah Haralampou

Who I am

Hannah Haralampou (ADHD, she/her)

My profession

Talent Acquisition & Attraction Specialist, Tech Geek

How I support neurodiversity 

Personally and professionally I have been fortunate enough to see and experience the benefits of neurodiversity in many ways. My time supporting development teams and tech startups across Australia & the US have allowed me to harness the unique skills and talents of neurodiverse individuals across a range of environments, and I continue to do that today in Talent Acquisition & Attraction. We are all unique, and I believe that when we hone our skills and play to our strengths, the working world is truly a better place for it.

What I aim to achieve as an advisory board member 

As an advisory board member, my aim is to support our vibrant community and help bridge the gap between strengths-based learning and actually flourishing in the workplace!


Advisory Board News